7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat

This post to the Tim Ferriss Show blog was from 2009!

“The patients who followed these all-meat diets rapidly lost weight from their midsections and improved their blood sugar and blood pressure problems if they had them. Calculations of cholesterol in all its various permutations was still decades away, but both doctors even used the all-meat diet for their patients with heart disease without problem. The all-meat diet proved to be a safe, filling, rapid way to help patients lose abdominal fat while improving their health. And remember, one of these diets was developed to treat GI problems, the other to treat allergies. The rapid weight loss that followed was a surprising, but welcome side effect.”

“Improved cardiovascular risk factors, Stronger bones, Improved Liver Health, Healthy lungs, Healthy brain, Proper nerve signaling, Strong immune system.”

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