It’s rat study, so take it for what it’s worth but here’s one for the meat causes cancer folks.
Summary: Study on red meat, white meat and fat intake on colorectal cancer in rats. Bacon diet was protective, other meat diets did not promote tumors. Bacon is salty, those rats drank more water, it must have been the water. *sigh* At least the red meat didn’t promote.
“Fat and protein were supplied by 1) lard and casein, 2) olive oil and casein, 3) beef, 4) chicken with skin, and 5) bacon.”
“Bacon-based diet appears to protect rats against carcinogenesis, in a dose-dependant manner. This finding was in contrast with our starting hypothesis that bacon diets would promote carcinogenesis. Our hypothesis was based on epidemiological studies showing that intake of processed meat (mainly pork) is associated with risk.”
“However, bacon-fed rats drank more water than controls (Table 3), probably because bacon is salty. We thus propose the hypothesis that a high water intake, and not the bacon intake, can protect the rats against carcinogenesis”